living in a camper in the winterOutdoor living has been a dream to most, and that’s made possible with the invention of RVs and campers. But living in a camper in the winter is a whole different puzzle to solve.

If ever you’re wondering if it’s possible to live in an RV in the winter without freezing, yes it is! But of course, you must be able to prepare for it. Winter RV living may not be for everyone, but there are numerous ways on how to combat the cold and still live comfortably inside.

1. Improve insulation

Your current insulation will need to double its work during the winter. Invest in materials to keep your RV properly insulated.

There are two ways to insulate your RV. The most common is Fiberglass Insulation. This type of insulation is best for maintaining the consistency of temperature inside your RV. But do note that Fiberglass insulation is more susceptible to moisture. This might cause molding inside if not maintained properly.

Foam RV Insulation is another way to keep the cold out of your RV. You can either have the rigid foam insulation or spray foam. Rigid foams can be cut and shaped into different parts of your RV. Spray foams are a lot easier as you won’t have to cut the foams into shape. Although the smell can linger in your RV for weeks.

It’s also helpful to add rugs and thermal curtains to effectively trap the heat inside. Cold can also seep through from the floors so best to have them well covered.

winter rv living

2. Protect your water supply

There is a 100% chance of your water supply to freeze. This can cause a lot since frozen water inside pipes can cause them to burst. Insulation for your water supply is highly recommended during the winter season.

It’s best to invest in a heated hose instead. This will prevent your pipes from freezing and improve your water supply. Some would just cover their regular pipes with a heat cable and pipe insulation. Either of these can work. 

3. Add some heat sources

Once you succeed not letting cold inside, give it a little boost through heat sources. There are a lot of electric heat sources available– from infrared heaters, electric fireplace and ceramic space heaters can do the trick.

Some people turn to propane heaters while living in a camper in the winter. But this can cause you to visit the propane stores more often as you will be needing a lot of refills. If you’ll be traveling outside during the winter, makes sure to stock up on these.

replace rv window4. Don’t let heat escape

Dents and holes allow heat you’re trapping to escape from inside. Minimize heat loss by making sure your camper trailer windows are fully sealed. 

If you have old windows, it’s recommended to replace them before winter starts. Asking a professional to install them is also advisable so you’re sure you can keep your windows well-sealed.

Covering your windows can also be done to reduce heat loss. Most people also cover their RV windows with plastic or bubble wrap for added insulation. 

5. Run a dehumidifier

The ultimate challenge, however, is condensation. This will be a lot more to handle during the winter as cold and trapped heat is at play.

Windows fight the heat trapped inside and the cold from the outside. This can form a lot of moist in their mirrors, and freezing it eventually. It’s important to wipe it once in a while and get your humidifier to work 24/7.

living in a camper in the winter6. Install an RV Skirt

Why should you skirt your RV during the winter? Skirting your RV protects it from freezing underneath while keeping the cold winds and frost from accumulating.

This will keep your RV floor warmer inside and lessens the cold from the outside. It also protects the valuable parts underneath your RV.

Now, is your RV ready for the winter? Go have a run-through and make sure you are fully prepared. 

Your RV windows perform a great function in keeping cold out and trapping the heat in. You must ensure that they’re in great shape to endure the winter season. We can help you find the perfect camper/RV windows for you.